Michael Nüsslein Fahrzeug Aufbauten GmbH from Nürnberg, Germany produced this spinning top with colorful lithograph landmark scenes of New York, London, Paris and Taj Mahal. The top has three metal arms with DRESSLER Oval Window VWs that spin around the base as the top spins. The VWs have a plastic body with cut out windows and good details of front and rear hood, door seams and rear oval window with air louvers. Chassis molded in plastic, has a rib pattern, plastic wheels and bumpers. Markings in lithograph: Company Logo “MNN” and "Made in Western Germany". These markings are also molded into the underside of the hollow red base. Action: repeated movement of the handle up and down causes the top to spin creating an audible musical hum. The cars and rods move in a circle with the top at a slower, simulated, normal driving speed. See also the DRESSLER listing!

Spinning Top Size:
Height: 19cm
Diameter of top: 17cm
Length of rods (base to outside of car): 11cm
Oval VWs (length): 104mm

  • Manufacturer: NÜSSLEIN-DRESSLER
  • Scale: 1/39
  • Length: 104mm (VW Only)
  • Production Era: 1960s
  • Country: Germany
  • Materials: Plastic
  • Color: Yellow, Red, Blue

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