The JGES MEIN KdF WAGEN was available as a set with an Anhängerkupplung or tow bar, trailer and boat. There were several different type of sets produced with one set being only boats. Some sets included a camp trailer, road signs or a hebebühne or lift. All of the sets came in the six basic colors of yellow-cream, black, leather-brown, dark-brown, coffee-brown, field grey. The rear of the boat trailer had a white license plate with “KdF” lettering.
On one of the box scenes, the boy is ordering from the JGES Patentspielwarenfabrik (Patent Toy Company) the following items:
2 each KdF-Wagens
Wohnwagen Majolika (camp trailer)
Bootsanhänger (boat trailer)
Motorboot (motor boat)
Anhänger (trailer)
Kraftwagen - Hebebühne (auto lift)
For further detailed information on the JGES KdF WAGENS in general, please refer to the main JGES MEIN KdF WAGEN VW on this site.