The toy manufacturer R. & W. LINK was located in Schwenningen im Schwarzwald, Germany. In 1951 they bought the name and trademark “MIGNON” of the Staiger company. LINK started producing the toys with cable steering. The company R&W LINK / MIGNON did not advertise anymore after 1957. It is unclear when the company ceased to exist. Most probably that was around 1958/1959.
Hard plastic body with cutout windows, nice details, plastic bezel headlights. Detailed tin lithographed interior with plastic steering wheel. Metal chassis with a remote cable control motor and front wheel steering. The body was produced by SCHRÖDER and the chassis by MIGNON. This Split Window VW, SCHRÖDER body and MIGNON chassis is a very early version and perhaps the forerunner of the MIGNON Oval VW with remote cable. The MIGNON Oval VW with remote cable used a soft plastic body as they found out the hard plastic body, like this one, broke too easily. Just to note; the two screw holes in the chassis are not lined up with the two holes in the plastic body for assembling together. There is a special chassis/body tab to correct the assembling problem.