All models have details indicating a 1963 to 1967 production date VW Bus, but were probably produced for several years after that. All Buses are Kombi versions with cargo doors indicated on both sides or double door Kombi’s. Civil versions are much less common than the emergency vehicles themes. License plates are as follows. VW1000 on the Single Cab VW Pickup. BW 460-15 on the blue white Kombi. VW A-3579 on the ambulance, VW F.D.B700 on the fire VW Kombi and VW P.D.-110 on the Police & Polizei Kombis.
The VW Single Cab version, although in rough condition is quite different from the Kombi versions. Note the difference in length of the cab door outlines. It also has round front signals versus the oblong signals on the Kombis. Finally, the Pickup has aluminum wheel centers inside rubber tires instead of solid rubber wheels with tin hubcaps on the Kombi.
Remote control battery operated versus friction motor versions. The remote control VW Busses have tin lithograph interiors and a larger, operational roof light.